From Ms. Bell, the Madison Librarian:  Two-Sentence Horror Story Contest (sponsored by the Madison MS Library)
  1. Two sentences max.
  2. Keep it school appropriate (check in with Ms. Bell if you’re not sure).
  3. Pinky swear that you did not copy yours off the internet.

Examples (from students at South Pasadena Middle School):

  1. I stared at the fluffy little squirrel with horror in my eyes. Its eyes were the color of blood, and it was gnawing on the bones of my little sister.
  2. It’s hard to know whether to throw away or recycle. But you have to get rid of the body somehow. 
**Turn in your TWO-SENTENCE HORROR STORY to Ms. Bell in the library by October 26th at the latest. Email her or turn in the contest form. Voting will happen in Advisory. Can’t wait to read and share your creepy stories!!
And if you love scary stories, take a look at these recommended reads that you can check out from our Madison Library.

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